Continuo Society Planned Giving
Strengthen the Bach Festival with your planned gift to keep the music alive for generations to come.
Review your will or living trust to ensure that it reflects your charitable objectives.
Contact your financial advisor and ask for help in establishing a charitable gift while still providing for your heirs.
Think beyond cash: You can leave stocks, insurance policies, and personal property to the Bach Festival Society.
Make the Bach Festival Society a beneficiary of your pension plan, retirement account, or IRA.
“It’s important to financially contribute to the organizations that you care about and benefit from. I made an estate plan to benefit the Bach Festival Society’s endowment so it may continue its important work long after I’m gone.”
“The wonderful music which the Bach Festival Choir and Orchestra have provided over these many years has enriched our lives tremendously. Through making a provision in our estate plan for a bequest to the Bach Festival Society we hope to help preserve this treasured organization for future generations.”